A Hillside Thaw
by Robert Frost
To think to know the country and now know
The hillside on the day the sun lets go
Ten million silver lizards out of snow!
As often as I've seen it done before
I can't pretend to tell the way it's done.
It looks as if some magic of the sun
Lifted the rug that bred them on the floor
And the light breaking on them made them run.
And caught one silver lizard by the tail,
And put my foot on one without avail,
And threw myself wet-elbowed and wet-kneed
In front of twenty others' wriggling speed,--
In the confusion of them all aglitter,
And birds that joined in the excited fun
By doubling and redoubling song and twitter,
I have no doubt I'd end by holding none.
It takes the moon for this. The sun's a wizard
By all I tell; but so's the moon a witch.
From the high west she makes a gentle cast
And suddenly, without a jerk or twitch,
She has her spell on every single lizard.
I fancied when I looked at six o'clock
The swarm still ran and scuttled just as fast.
The moon was waiting for her chill effect.
I looked at nine: the swarm was turned to rock
In every lifelike posture of the swarm,
Transfixed on mountain slopes almost erect.
Across each other and side by side they lay.
The spell that so could hold them as they were
Was wrought through trees without a breath of storm
To make a leaf, if there had been one, stir.
It was the moon’s : she held them until day,
One lizard at the end of every ray.
The thought of my attempting such a stray!
我这次选择翻译《坡上融雪》有两个原因。一来此诗描述的是我所熟悉的新英格兰地区的雪景,出身于加州的弗罗斯特对弗蒙特的青山绿水情有独钟,他一生的大部份岁月都在那里渡过。老公儿时在弗蒙特参加夏令营时,已是垂暮之年的弗罗斯特曾经来到孩子们中间,在夜幕下篝火旁朗诵他的诗,一头银发随焰光闪耀,他那深沉感性的嗓音成了孩子们记忆中的亮点。二来此诗曾经激发过我的灵感,令我写下了自己最喜欢的诗《雪阳之恋》,从弗罗斯特描述的雪与太阳和月亮的关系中我得到启示,将视线投入一个全新的角度。 ©H.L.Glennie
我这次选择翻译《坡上融雪》有两个原因。一来此诗描述的是我所熟悉的新英格兰地区的雪景,出身于加州的弗罗斯特对弗蒙特的青山绿水情有独钟,他一生的大部份岁月都在那里渡过。老公儿时在弗蒙特参加夏令营时,已是垂暮之年的弗罗斯特曾经来到孩子们中间,在夜幕下篝火旁朗诵他的诗,一头银发随焰光闪耀,他那深沉感性的嗓音成了孩子们记忆中的亮点。二来此诗曾经激发过我的灵感,令我写下了自己最喜欢的诗《雪阳之恋》,从弗罗斯特描述的雪与太阳和月亮的关系中我得到启示,将视线投入一个全新的角度。 ©H.L.Glennie
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