我的英译作《发廊情话》发表(附诗:博海泛舟)Love Talk at Hairdresser's

我英译的王安忆的得奖小说《发廊情话》由香港中文大学翻译研究中心享有国际声誉的《译丛》(Renditions) 半年刊 于2016年秋季第86期发表。 《译丛》历史悠久,是文学翻译界享誉的学术性汉译英翻译刊物,早在中国文学为世界所瞩目之前已经开始了耕耘,由宋淇先生于1...

Thursday, March 22, 2018

摘译泰戈尔《爱人的献礼》、 原创双语诗《五绝 七夕》

逢七夕,该给牛郎织女写点什么,否则我牛娃娃用了好几年的“牛”字纺博文织围脖, 一声不提他们,有点说不过去,应景写点,好东西都让人写完了,意思意思吧。有点不自量力,想攀点古风。首次试写五绝,我这等中文功夫实在经不起考验,等到韵律平仄对好,诗已面目全非,原先的诗意荡然无存,更糟的是,我用网上软件直接改动,边改边销原稿,所以没法走回头路复原了。中文写得不满意,设法译成英语自慰一下。

五绝《七夕》:    Five-Character Tonal Quatrain--Seven, Night of Love

年年七夕迎,     Year after year comes Seven, night of love,
When crystal clear the milky-way river widen.
O!Teary loving hearts join, Sky above,
牛郎织女情。     Bonding strong but
their union into One forbidden.

注:Seven一词的应用,谐隐圣经典故。我在修改版中用此译名,对首译版改韵且作句式对应处理以求东西方文典的相应勾连。此间第三句的teary与join,语意双关。最后两句的O与One对应,后三句中“widen和teary”对反衬“bonding和join”对。这些对应词组都为首句的Seven服务,Seven统领全诗以体现典故中的寓意, “night和Sky”对勾连“love和above”对,回归“O与One”基线。

五绝《七夕》:     Five-Character Tonal Quatrain--The Double Luna Seventh
年年七夕迎,      Year after year comes the Double Luna Seventh
When crystal clear the milky-way river widen.
O!Two tear-filled loving hearts meet therewith,
Bonding strong buttheir union into Oneforbidden.



Lover's Gift
by Rabindranath Tagore

No 11:IT WAS ONLY the budding of leaves in the summer, the summer that came into the garden by the sea. It was only a stir and rustle in the south wind, a few lazy snatches of songs, and then the day was done. But let there be flowering of love in the summer to come in the garden by the sea. Let my joy take its birth and clap its hands and dance with the surging songs, and make the morning open its eyes wide in sweet amazement.


No 12:AGES AGO WHEN you opened the south gate of the garden of gods, and came down upon the first youth of the earth, 0 Spring; men and women rushed out of their houses, laughing and dancing, and pelting each other with flower-dust in a sudden madness of mirth.

Year after year you bring the same flowers that you scattered in your path in that earliest April. Therefore, to-day, in their pervading perfume, they breathe the sigh of the days that are now dreams-the clinging sadness of vanished worlds.Your breeze is laden with love-legends that have faded from all human language.One day with fresh wonder, you came into my life that was fluttered with its first love.

Since then the tender timidness of that inexperienced joy comes hidden every year in the early green buds of your lemon flowers; your red roses carry in their burning silence all that was unutterable in me; the memory of lyric hours, those days of May, rustles in the thrill of your new leaves born again and again.


No 23,I LOVED THE sandy bank where, in the lonely pools, ducks clamoured and turtles basked in the sun; where, with evening, stray fishing-boats took shelter in the shadow by the tall grass. You loved the wooded bank where shadows were gathered in the arms of the bamboo thickets; where women came with their vessels through the winding lane. The same river flowed between us, singing the same song to both its banks.I listened to it, lying alone on the sand under the stars; and you listened sitting by the edge of the slope in the early morning light. Only the words I heard from it you did not know and the secret it spoke to you was a mystery for ever to me.


No 26: IF, BY chance you think of me, I shall sing to you when the rainy evening loosens her shadows upon the river, slowly trailing her dim light towards the west,-when the day's remnant is too narrow for work or for play.
You will sit alone in the balcony of the south, and I shall sing from the darkened room. In the growing dusk, the smell of the wet leaves will come through the window; and the stormy winds will become clamorous in the coconut grove.When the lighted lamp is brought into the room I shall go. And then, perhaps, you will listen to the night, and hear my song when I am silent.


No 40: A MESSAGE CAME from my youth of vanished days, saying, 1 wait for you among the quiverings of unborn May, where smiles ripen for tears and hours ache with songs unsung.'It says, 'Come to me across the worn-out track of age, through the gates of death. For dreams fade, hopes fail, the gathered fruits of the year decay, but I am the eternal truth, and you shall meet me again and again in your voyage of life from shore to shore.'

本文所有图片均摘自网络,诚谢作者。音乐取自虾米网墨西哥钢琴诗人Ernesto Cortazar的名曲《秋日玫瑰》。




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