我的英译作《发廊情话》发表(附诗:博海泛舟)Love Talk at Hairdresser's

我英译的王安忆的得奖小说《发廊情话》由香港中文大学翻译研究中心享有国际声誉的《译丛》(Renditions) 半年刊 于2016年秋季第86期发表。 《译丛》历史悠久,是文学翻译界享誉的学术性汉译英翻译刊物,早在中国文学为世界所瞩目之前已经开始了耕耘,由宋淇先生于1...

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Poem by Hui Glennie: Note to A Swallow

Note to A Swallow
by ©H.L.Glennie

Sweet swallow
Build not your nest
Bond to my courtyard tree
For it's in the war zone
A targeted reach
By a crocodile
With it a 64 leveraged horsepower Wheel
From eight directions follows
Where ever my tree leaves rustle

It heard your beautiful songs
You are in a greater danger
When autumn comes, leaves are gone
Your nest would be seen 'n cleared
Only those genetically altered,
Wings chipped 'n beak cut out,
Would in its Mercy be Allowed
While it carries out its mission
Its tears drop masculine sensation
in feminine sounding "sigh" aloud.

So brutal so surreal but so real
As real as Cassandra's prophecy
that no one believes
It will take 999 days' siege
of Leningrad to yield clue
Along it accompanies famine, death, 'n blood cold
So fly away to build a safer nest
in a higher altitude

In wind, keep singing
Trees will rustle; flowers will smile
In rain,your wings draw comfort lining
Your motions carry streams flow
Your music will forever be resounding
Your lyrics will withstand time-tested trial

Born on the ash is a miracle,
Rose - final! 


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