我的英译作《发廊情话》发表(附诗:博海泛舟)Love Talk at Hairdresser's

我英译的王安忆的得奖小说《发廊情话》由香港中文大学翻译研究中心享有国际声誉的《译丛》(Renditions) 半年刊 于2016年秋季第86期发表。 《译丛》历史悠久,是文学翻译界享誉的学术性汉译英翻译刊物,早在中国文学为世界所瞩目之前已经开始了耕耘,由宋淇先生于1...

Sunday, August 4, 2019


牛娃娃作 by ©H.L.Glennie
Tune - Que Qiao Xian (Fairies on Magpie Bridge):
The Double Seventh
by ©H.L.Glennie
dated on September 16,2018


The author tries to make the English version of this poem in sync with its Chinese version by having corresponding perfect rhyme and rhythms. All photos in this article are downloaded from web for non-commercial use; many thanks to the photographers. If in any violation of copyright, please be in touch, I will take them down.

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